I'm trying to use dot3 bump mapping, with "Glow_HDR=1"
but i get a weird result.
It seems like normalmap "lightbox" is replaced with "hdr buffer" or something like that. My system uses the same algorithms as demo4 by Andreyman.
BrushTexture c_brush(i),LitTEX,0,0;dot3 light
BrushTexture c_brush(i),c_tex_N(i),0,1;dot3 normal map
BrushTexture c_brush(i),AmbTEX,0,2;ambient light
BrushTexture c_brush(i),c_tex(i),0,3
BrushTexture c_brush(i),ColTEX,0,5;dot3 color
with Glow_HDR=0
with Glow_HDR=1
Also, thanks Andreyman, for making Ashadow v1.0.9.7 free!